Our Product

AI-Power to analyse and track competitors

Avoid Missing Signals and Trends in the Market.

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Identify Competition Gopf
AI-Powered Analytics

For Easier Monitoring

Unlock 60%-72% more time in your organization and harness AI to identify patterns in noisy data, revealing strong signals.


Pattern Detection

Find pattern in noisy data, search for similarities and receive recommendations.


Guided Analytics

Gain insights about clusters, niches, and market trends by interacting with your data.


Ask Questions

Using our seamlessly integrated LLM, you can ask questions and deep-dive into your data.


Unlock the Power of Your Data with AI

Would you like to discover what your competitors do or what trends in the industry are? By leveraging our AI assistant, you can track what is important to you and receive valuable suggestions.



Our capability to detect signals in large, noisy datasets leaves you with the data that is relevant to you.


Generative AI

With our Generative AI assistant, you can receive weekly reports on how changes within a market



Get recommendations on where to concentrate within your dataset - it could be niches, gaps, outliers, or clusters with dynamic growth.


Automated reports and alerts

Stay informed about any market developments that you should know about by relying on our reports and alerts.


Automate reports

Receive reports about changes in the data, new signals and changes in the market.


Al trend predictions

We report outliers and emerging trends within a dataset and its changes over time.


Advanced charts

Go beyond traditional charts and delve into novel methods of visualizing data.

Want to learn more? Book a Demo